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Best Browsers for Android for fast browsing & best experience

top web browser apps

Internet and web associated things cover the biggest portion of the digital world. According to the many authentic metrics, most of the internet sessions are taking place on mobile devices. When it comes to web browsing and web accessing, the Android operating system has gone too far with modern technologies and features. The best thing about the Android platform is that it has a tremendous amount of apps for every specific need. Same as that, we have hundreds of web browser apps available at Android platform. Check out the best browsers for Android you can use now.

Best Browsers for Android users

There are many good web browsing apps available, the features and limitations vary for each app. So it is really hard to choose a perfect browser app for your Android devices. However, Google is already providing their own Google Chrome browser as a default option, but the app has several limitations as well. In that case, you will need another third party good web browser app that fits your need.

Brave Browser

Brave Browser is an emerging web browser app with a handful of essential features for the modern web usage strategy. It is well known for its key-feature, which blocks all types of advertisements, cookies, web-trackers, web-cache, etc. Best Browsers for Android

Additionally, it has some useful features such as HTTPS everywhere, individual site settings, battery saver, and storage optimization features. Brave is the best browser app for those who care about their privacy in the online world.

Firefox Browser

No need of any special introduction for the world famous Firefox web browser. It is one of the most used and most popular web browser applications. It was a classic web browser with classic appearance and features.

Best Browsers for Android

However, the app got a serious facelift in the past few months, and now it has a redesigned UI and a much better features. The app has improved a lot, and it is the fastest web browser app now.

Ecosia Browser

Ecosia browser is an environment-friendly web browsing app. It is very popular among nature-loving users and those who want to do something to nature, but can’t do that physically. Because, the company behind this excellent browser, donates 80% of their earnings to plant trees.

Ecosia browser for Android

This app doesn’t have a completely new UI or any other special features, but it is more similar to the Google Chrome browser, but with a good intention. Ecosia has a separate search engine also for the same purpose.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser on all platforms including desktop and mobile devices. This app is owned by Google, and it comes pre-loaded with most of the Android smartphones, so the number of users for this app is really high as well.

Google chrome for Android

There are four total Chrome browsers. In descending order of stability, you have the regular Google Chrome, Chrome Beta, Chrome Dev, and Chrome Canary. You can choose any of these apps based on your specific need. This app has a material design and great useful features.

Firefox Focus

Firefox Focus is the recently introduced special edition of the world-famous Firefox web browser app. It is a privacy targetted browser with several useful features such as one tap history delete, moderate ad-block, web track controls, etc. Each session on this browser is entirely anonymous, and the data gets destroyed each time you close the browser window.

firefox focus

However, you will have to sign in to each website and services each time you use the browser. Unlike Chrome and other browsers, it never saves passwords and all other search details. Is your browser available on our list of best browsers for Android?

About the author

Akhil G

Skilled technology writer and widely-read journalist. Social media Influencer, FB India Media Partner. Managing multiple news portals and writing for many. Google Hall Of Fame award winner. Youth Icon of the year - Government of Kerala 2018.

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