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How to Survive in College as a Fresher

Staying around the school is a challenging journey. It might seem more challenging, especially when you are “a fresher.” Usually, it is more demanding because most first-year students at college don’t understand the tactical survival approaches. Dropping students off at college is more common because you wouldn’t expect your parent to stay around to monitor you at college. It is, in fact, a better way of exposing you to survival techniques during difficult periods. Are you feeling scared and teary on your first day at college? Are you wondering how you can maneuver through a new learning environment you don’t understand? Worry not, because, on thesishelpers.com, you will get to learn some of the most comfortable life hacks that will help you through your first year at college.

  • Schedule 

Having prior knowledge of the entire college surroundings is always advantageous. However, before orientation, most first-year students mostly face difficulty understanding the location of lecture rooms, etc. it is even more common to get lost after orientation. Asking seniors for directions can be so frustrating, and some unkind ones may even end up misleading you. Avoiding such frustrations requires preparing a proper schedule that will help you manage your time understanding the college. It will also help in understanding the location of various areas, which are critical for learning operations. Ensure to fix sometime within the day and try to know particular places within the school. It is essential to find out class locations, for instance, an evening before a class session commences.

  • Buy a coffee maker 

Most university students will stay lively courtesy of a few cups of coffee. At university, you will often experience many tasks to undertake, and therefore, you may stay late into the night handling a range of undone or overdue tasks. One of the most incredible hacks essential for reading late into the night is taking some little coffee. It is therefore vital to consider buying a coffee maker. At some point, you will even lack time to prepare coffee, and the coffee maker will do. Cold nights often need a warm touch of noodles and some coffee. It keeps you active and saves you from stomach rumbling at night. It is an equivalent for a whole meal. Without a coffee maker, you won’t correctly enjoy the cold and, at times, rainy evenings.

  • Make friends

Friends are essential even at the college level. The central idea is to ensure to go for the right choice of friends. Having no friends generates loneliness, which may likely bring about frustrations. College is, in fact, the right place where you will make friends who will keep you in your entire lifetime. Therefore, if you choose the wrong people, you may affect your life in one way or another. Remember, it may play a vital role in building you. Some may influence you into illegal activities, and therefore choosing friends at college calls for wisdom. Different people have distinct social lives. If you are too afraid to approach a close neighbor, you can consider breathing out easily and avoid rushing. Approach every person in a friendly manner and create long term relationships through sharing.

Say hi to anyone you think you can make friends with. With friends, you will learn a lot of ideas that are practically essential for your academic success.

  • Act responsibly 

At college, you will often meet freedom everywhere you go. However, without more significant consideration of some factors, you may end up misusing the freedom at college. Unlike high school, no one will monitor your moves, restrict you from uncouth behavior, or any other unusual activity you can think of. You can even drink to death. With this broadened freedom, you need to act responsibly. Self-discipline is the cleat idea here. For you to tame these ordinary virtues, you have to instill discipline into yourself and at the same time act responsibly. Some responsible roles you can consider cleaning up the room, planning your weekly expenses. You can also schedule a specific day to hang out and have fun with friends. However, ensure to enjoy responsibly and accountably. Keep a daily routine that doesn’t in any way alter the regular running of your schooling activities.

  • Talk to parents through the class. 

For some, it might take decades to talk to parents just after introduction to a new schooling environment with endless freedom. It is good to understand the importance of knowing the status of your parents by phone. In this case, you can consider checking on your parents occasionally, if not daily. Let them know your progress in school and also understand how you miss them. Usually, calling parents creates a strong bond between you and them regardless of the physical distance. Don’t adapt to school life excessively and end up forgetting your parents.


A new experience at college comes with a lot of challenges. Therefore, it is essential to consider several survival strategies to adapt to the new learning environment. The above five methods will get you moving and adapting to school life. Make them a routine and enjoy life at college.

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