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Seven Signs You Should Redesign Your Business Logo

If you run your own business, your logo is something you may have had for years. Alternatively, you could be a new start-up that just launched a few months ago.

At first, the thought of changing your visual branding, especially in the latter case, can seem daunting, but there are times when it is necessary. A simple switch could help you see better results from your marketing plan and help push you towards success.

Below we will talk about seven signs you should redesign your business logo.

Are you interested in learning more? Then let’s get started.

Your design is outdated

Even the most well-design logos become outdated. This is because elements change, audiences become interested in new things, and your fonts may no longer be “on trend.”

You might think changing your visual branding just because of time is unimportant, but it is essential. You still want to stay current, especially if you’re targeting a particular niche and age group.

Not sure where to begin? Click the link logo maker – create free logos in minutes.

It’s too difficult to use

Alongside the visual attractiveness of your logo, it has to be able to be used efficiently. You’ll be placing it on different social media and documents, so it has to be scalable and read clearly on large and small advertisements.

If you find that it isn’t optimized for different platforms or that it can’t be used on various backgrounds, you may have to rethink your options. It could be worth opting for a design that will be simpler to work with.

It is no longer relevant

Has your business taken a considerable shift over the past few years? Maybe you’ve changed your primary products or are aiming to target a completely different audience?

If this is the case, it might be wise to design a new logo that is more relevant to your industry or chosen field. For example, you might have started selling coffee but are now known for your custom cupcakes.

You should know your strengths and use them to your advantage. There is always the option to add further services later on.

Your brand personality has changed

Your brand personality and imagery should go hand in hand, so if you would no longer describe yourself as the same as when you first launched, it may also be time to change your logo. Remember, cohesiveness is critical when building trust with customers.

Think about your traits and values, and be sure they resonate with your design. You might need to do some in-depth research to help with this.

Your design is too complex

Intricate logos can be fascinating, but a lot of the time, the hard work you put into the design goes unnoticed. Customers want to be able to locate your brand quickly and easily, and anything too crazy gets in the way of that.

Just take a look at some of the biggest brands in the world and see what we mean. The famous Apple logo, the Target symbol, and even the Nike tick are all minimal but effective.

Your design is too simple

Just like a design can be too complex, it can also be rather dull. Of course, simplicity is often desired as it can make you memorable, but you don’t want to play it too safe.

Consider what elements you can use that will make you stand out. You want to be identifiable but not so basic that you are overlooked. It may be worth taking a risk, especially if you’re already seeing a lack of interest.

There has been an increase in competition

Lastly, when you first started your business, you may not have had any other competitors near you. However, as the years have passed, a few other similar places may have opened up.

You could have the best reputation in town, but if you find that there has been a change in interest, it’s a good idea to try reigniting with a new logo. Existing customers will still follow you, but there is the potential to grow your reach further.

You can read more about how to stand out from your competition here.

Final words

And that’s it. These are seven signs you should redesign your business logo. At first, it might seem like a hassle to completely rebrand yourself, but you have to remember all the advantages and benefits. In some cases, it might be the best option for you to move forward.

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Elijah Lucas

Elijah is a professional blogger who writes about technologies to inspire their target audience.