Home » News » Switch your Mac Computer to Sleep Mode with ‘Please Sleep’- A Mac OS X Utility

Switch your Mac Computer to Sleep Mode with ‘Please Sleep’- A Mac OS X Utility

Mac OS X utility

One might have noticed that Mac OS X turns off its screen automatically, if left unused for 5-10 minutes or more. However, some applications which are still running in the background keep it awake.

Please Sleep is Mac OS X utility software that forces your computer to switch itself to sleep mode even if some other applications and processes are keeping it awake.

PleaseSleep waits in the background for the sleep timer to hit ‘zero’, set in Energy Saver preferences pane attempting to put your computer to sleep mode when the scheduled sleep timer kicks in.

It is very easy to configure and one can enable or disable its preferences by accessing the system menu bar icon.

Mac OS X utility

Right-clicking on the menu bar icon opens Prefernces to create both Force Awake and Force Sleep exceptional lists.

Mac OS X utility

Features that are accommodated in newer version 2.1:

  • Compatible with Mac OS X Lion 10.7 and Intel.
  • New option to invariably enable ‘PleaseSleep’ feature when it launches.
  • Native 64-bit support.
  • New option to select a different menu icon.
  • Option to reset system activity for better force sleep result.
  • Option to monitor energy saver timer with display sleep timer.
  • Fixed the duplicate entries issue in app lists.
  • Adds UNIX executable files to the exceptions list.

Under Please Sleep window one can view 3 Tabs,

  • General- Launches the application at start-up, if enabled. Permits to fine-tune the ‘Display Mode’ and enable the ‘Reset system activity before sleep’ option as per one’s convenience.
  • Mac OS X utilityForce Sleep- Adds applications to a list for which force sleep mode needs to be activated or enabled. Click on the ‘cross’ imaged icon to add a program or an application to the list.
  • Mac OS X utilityExceptions- Adds desired applications, specified by the user and prevents the system to switch to sleep-mode while the applications are running in the background.

Mac OS X utility

Download Please Sleep Mac OS X utility from here.

About the author

Hemant Saxena

The author Hemant Saxena is a post-graduate in bio-technology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quite by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player.