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Top Software For Professional Gamer

If you love video games and like to stream on YouTube or Twitch, have you thought about what programs can be useful in your gaming career? If your answer is yes, and you want to become successful in this area, check out the most important programs for gamers in 2022.

Why Does a Gamer Need Additional Software?

The fanbase of video games has millions of people all over the planet. Video games are no longer just a fun pastime. Most gamers in our time have managed to turn their favorite hobby into a fairly lucrative way to earn money. Top streamers on Twitch or YouTube can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year just by showing them playing their favorite games. And naturally, to run successful letsplays, whether it’s high-priced next-generation masterpieces, simple online Facebook games, or retro games, you need more than just the best gaming PC. Special software is a significant part of essentials for video gaming. So let’s find out which programs you will absolutely need.

Software For Professional Gamer: Top List in 2022

You should think about your software even before you make a game room for yourself. Without high-quality programs, you will not be able to fully enjoy the gameplay yourself, and even more so, you will not be able to show it to your subscribers. The fact is that even to record a video, you may need some special utilities, such as a free video editor or a webcam recorder, so subscribers can watch your reaction to the main game events. Therefore, if you are determined to start a career as a gamer, right now you will find out what you need for this.

#1 Steam

We all know that Half-Life creator Gabe Newell gave us the best platform for purchasing games. And it’s hard to argue with that because here you can easily buy the most popular games that have just come out and even the most ancient games that were played decades ago. In addition, Steam is also a social network, so here you can not only buy games but also meet other gamers who will probably share your interests with them. In addition, Steam provides audio communication between its users and you can easily arrange joint streams with your buddies. Therefore, Steam remains indispensable and it is unlikely that in the coming years, we will be able to see something that can even remotely compete with this irreplaceable service.

#2 OBS Studio

The first difficulty that you may encounter when you want to stream your letsplays may be the possibility of a high-quality recording of your play. Fortunately for all streamers, there is such a program as OBS Studio. What is most interesting, this program is absolutely free, but its functionality contains many more functions than similar paid programs. With it, you will not only be able to stream in high quality and put the stream on Twitch or other streaming platforms, but you can also edit your videos and add various effects there, or simply create intros for previews. In any case, this software is an indispensable assistant in your gaming career.

#3 Razer Cortex

Modern games are becoming more and more demanding every year, so more and more players complain that their computers are simply not able to handle new games due to too high requirements. Fortunately, even in the case of such seemingly hopeless situations, there are rescue programs. One of these is Razer Cortex. With this program, you can easily play even the most demanding and voluminous games at maximum graphics settings, with a stable FPS of 40-60 frames per minute, which is an excellent result. Razer Cortex takes the load off your computer so you can enjoy the game without any problems. The most interesting thing is that the program is suitable for both streamers and ordinary players.

#4 TeamSpeak

Another useful and free software, which will definitely come in handy in your desire to communicate with your friends during your plays on online gaming platforms. By using TeamSpeak you will get an incredibly high-quality connection without interruptions, and you will be able to play simultaneously with a large number of people while coordinating each other’s actions. As you know, such a tool is necessary especially in online games, and even in eSports championships. Therefore, if you have long been looking for a way to stay in touch with friends during difficult situations in the game – take note of this program.

#5 F.lux

Another free application that was not created for your computer, but for you. F.lux software has been designed to protect your eyes. It will become your indispensable assistant, especially if you like to play at night. The program will automatically change the brightness level of your screen according to the lighting you will be in, so your eyes will be more protected and will not be endangered when playing at night. Despite all its usefulness, this utility is absolutely undemanding, so you can use it without any problems during the game process.

#6 MSI Afterburner

An incredibly cool and completely free application that will not only help you overclock your GPU to previously unseen levels but also show what your PC is really capable of. Despite the fact that the MSI Afterburner program is free, its value is incredibly high. With its help, you will be able to play games without any problems at maximum settings, without fear for your computer. You’ll get the most out of your processor even if it’s not the latest model and with this software, you’re sure to look at your PC in a completely different way. Therefore, if you have been experiencing difficulties with the performance of your GPU for a long time, this program will surely come in handy for you.


The professional gaming community is growing more and more every year, so there is a growing need for software that can improve their experience in this area. Therefore, if you are determined to devote your time to a professional career as a gamer, know that with due diligence, love for this business, and the use of special software, you are guaranteed success.

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Benjamin Noah

Benjamin is a professional blogger and marketer, who frequently writes about custom packaging, technologies, news and health to help businesses understand and adapt new ways to reach and inspire their target audience.

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