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Best Apps to fight against Smartphone Addiction

Top Five Apps to Fight against Smartphone Addiction

Smartphones are an inevitable component in the daily life, even in the workplace. People most often check the smartphone notifications and social media apps starting in the early morning. This obsessive addiction to the smartphones is a threat to maintaining the daily life balance. So, it is necessary to keep track of the daily smartphone usage and get rid of the addiction. Today, we are talking about best apps to fight against Smartphone Addiction.

Best apps to fight against smartphone addiction

Fortunately, the latest versions of the most used Operating Sytems, Android and iOS come with several integrations to avoid the smartphone addiction and let the users focus more towards other phases of life.

No worry if you do not have the latest Android OS, there are many apps that give you the similar experience. Some even perform much better in usability grade. Here are the best apps to control the smartphone addiction.

Note: While these apps do help, the ultimate control is in your hand.


The OFFTIME is a digital detoxification app available for free on Google Play Store. Using the app, you can create certain profiles. In each profile, you can specify whichever calls, messages, and notifications need to be blocked for the sake of being more focused on the work. It also blocks you from accessing unnecessary apps. Apart from the blanket call blocking, you can set exceptions for contacts, set auto-reply templates, etc.

Offtime : Best Apps to fight against Smartphone Addiction

After you finish the work, the app will also show you the missed notifications, calls, tasks, etc. It also provides a usage tracking statistics which you can also use to compare with other users.



The AppDetox is a digital detox helper that monitors your smartphone usage. You can only control the app usage. It allows you to set rules for each app. So, whenever you break a rule, it reminds you to take a break. The app does not forcefully block any apps from being accessed.

Best Apps to fight against Smartphone Addiction



The SPACE app has been awarded as the Most Essential App on Google Play Store. The app lets you set goals to reduce the addiction. The app, by default, monitors you continuously for the next 60-days from the day of installation. SPACE: Best Apps to fight against Smartphone AddictionWhen it learns, the app can provide you with suggestions to reduce the smartphone addiction. It also dims the screen, blocks notifications when necessary. The scoring mechanism lets you compare yourself with your friends and known users.


Forest: Stay focused

Forest is one of the most interesting, interactive apps available today to reduce the smartphone addiction. Unlike other apps, it does not force you to put the smartphones down. The self-motivated program is much interesting as games. You need to plant a seed and grow the tree. Forest: Best Apps to fight against Smartphone AddictionThe plant will wither away or will not grow for a specific period if you play a game or overuse the smartphone. So, you can set the goal to grow the tree and you will gradually get the right digital detox.



The interactive, easy-to-use app provides you the real-time report of your smartphone usage habit, along with the statistics and usage time/frequency. The app can also help you reduce the addiction by setting restrictions, reminders, alarms for app usage. QualityTime: Best Apps to fight against Smartphone Addiction

The reports are available on daily, weekly, monthly basis. You can also take a break to use the device for a little longer time. Also, the app provides automatic reports of the previous day every morning. As a result, you will be more alert to your usage and fight addiction.

Apart from the above-mentioned programs, there are certainly other apps available that can help you reduce the smartphone obsession. Hope the current list of best apps to fight against Smartphone Addiction benefits you curb the smartphone usage habit.

About the author

Akhil G

Skilled technology writer and widely-read journalist. Social media Influencer, FB India Media Partner. Managing multiple news portals and writing for many. Google Hall Of Fame award winner. Youth Icon of the year - Government of Kerala 2018.