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Best board games to play on Android smartphones

Board games are among mankind’s earliest gaming addictions, with the earliest known board games dating as far back as 3500 BC. No wonder, such games have transcended the digital landscape as well, with mobile apps of such games now easily available.

Also, while they have been there on mobile devices for a while now, they have perhaps never been sought after this much as during the present times given that the pandemic situation has forced us all to spend time indoors. This has led us to spend more time with our mobile devices than ever before. And what better way to while away some time than to get involved in some board games to play casino online.

Here is a compilation of some of the most sought after board game applications available on mobile devices.

Chess Play & Learn

Think of board games and chances are that chess comes to your mind first. Also, while it is the same old game of chess, the beauty of the Chess Play & Learn app is that it does not presume you to be a pro in it to get started. Rather, you can enjoy the app even if you are a novice and provides for a nice way to spend some quality time and giving your brain’s grey cell a thorough workout.

Checkers – Classic Board Games

It’s a digital version of the Checkers board games that we have known about from yore. The app is also perfect for those who’d prefer something that is slightly less complicated than, say the chess while still be interesting enough to keep you and your friend to remain glued to your devices for some time.


It’s another classic board game where the players will have to make settlements on the game board. The aim for each player will be to make the longest road for the largest army. Every settlement lies close to resources bearing a number. Once the dice hit the number, you can count the resource associated with that number as yours.


It is among the more simple board games but can still be extremely engaging. Also, since it is easy to learn, you can get started with the actual gameplay really quickly. The challenge here will be to turn the disks so that the one with the most turned disks emerges the winner. Another positive here is that you, as a player, can also make your own rules, such as the board’s size, or the turn each player has, and so on.

Elder Sign: Omens

Elder Sign: Omens is another classic board game that has a touch of nostalgia to it. Another factor that goes in favor of the Elder Sign: Omens board game is that it is a mystery game as well and hence should appeal to those who have a penchant for the whodunnit theme. The challenge here is to look for clues, arcane items, and other related things. The one with the biggest collection is the winner though that would be only after you have defeated the ultimate boss.

Fleet Battle

It is for those who love ships and might as well want to engage in a ship-borne battle to achieve supremacy over adversaries. The game progresses around a map according to which you and your opponents will be positioning their respective naval assets. The rule is simple, the one who manages to sink all of the opponent’s ships is the winner.

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