Staying in contact with your current clients is vital to fostering a good relationship with them, and equally as important is following up with leads. Turning leads into clients is vital to the growth of your business, as new leads can generate new work opportunities and even connections with other businesses or professionals. Effective communication ensures you and your team understand your client’s needs and that new leads are addressed properly. Here are the best methods for contacting leads and clients.
Via Email
A professional email is still one of the most effective ways to get ahold of clients or leads. An email should be short and to the point, with professional wording (avoid slang) and proper grammar. The more professional you sound, the more likely a perspective lead is to take you seriously, or alternatively, a current client.
Emails should have a subject so the recipient knows exactly what information is contained within. An email with no subject line is often ignored or overlooked, making its way to the bottom of the inbox and often into the trash folder. Make your emails a priority to the client or lead with an informative subject line.
Another consideration for your emails is grammar. Grammar is a vital part of a professional voice, as poor grammar can come off as lazy or uneducated. Keeping your words and sentences in good form improves the readability and comprehension of your emails and maintains your professional reputation.
If you struggle with grammar (because let’s face it, not everyone is s writer) there exist many programs to assist you with crafting better sentences. Grammarly, for instance, has a free toolbar that you can install directly into your Google Chrome Browser. This toolbar will make suggestions as you write, allowing for real-time edits in emails, web pages, and even Google Docs.
Via Conference Call
The days of hosting conference calls via landline are on their way out, thanks to new online conference calling tools. Where before conference calls could be costly and cumbersome, conference calling services have streamlined the concept by digitalizing calls and utilizing the web for crisp audio and secure connections.
Many conferences calling sites have additional tools to take your calls to the next level. Whether it be screen sharing software or even a video chat option, these extras will help you craft the perfect meeting agenda. Meet with your clients face-to-face via video calling for a more personalized meeting experience.
Conference calling services are especially useful to those teams that have remote clients or leads in different geographic locations. It can be difficult to get to know a client when they work from another state or country, so hosting a video call once in a while will allow you the next best thing to meeting in person.
Conference calling sites will differ in terms of services offered, pricing packages, and overall reputation. Be sure to research any service you’re thinking about using before you pay for it. Pay close attention to customer and critic reviews, as they often contain valuable insight into the true nature of the software and company providing it.
In-Person Meetings
Nothing says “I appreciate your business” more than a face-to-face meeting with a client or lead. Taking the time to schedule an in-person meeting with perspective leads or current clients puts you one step ahead of the competition by personalizing your relationship with your clients.
In-person meetings can be as simple as a lunch gathering or afternoon coffeehouse visit. When you interact with clients in person, you can get a much better idea of who they are and what drives them. Knowing your clients is vital to fostering trust and growth between you both, and also an important component of the overall reputation of your business.
Making your clients feel valued and your leads feel welcomed will make you stand out, showing a deeper level of customer care and service than some businesses are willing to put forth. Sometimes the only difference between losing a lead and turning it into a client is the level of customer service you show towards it.
Interacting With Social Media
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have grown into marketing powerhouses, with powerful tools to not only help you connect with customers and leads, but also spread the word about your brand across the globe.
It would be incredibly disadvantageous for you to ignore company social media accounts as a connection platform for you and your clients. Often, questions regarding brands will be directed to social media accounts since they are easily accessible, so ignoring altogether them can be dangerous to your business.
While contacting a customer through Facebook may not be the most professional way to do so, it’s certainly a starting point to bridge that relationship. We would suggest using one of the methods listed above before turning to social media, but don’t be afraid to use social media platforms as a communication tool.
Staying in contact with leads and clients ensures that you’re not missing out on any business and that your clients feel appreciated. New leads are more likely to convert when they see a business that goes out of their way to provide exceptional service and dedication to their customers. Remember to send professional emails, and always check your grammar and spelling in any written medium you’re using to communicate with clients.