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Enhance Firefox Browsing Experience With Mar Mod Add-on


We all know and are aware of the fact that Firefox is a very popular browser. One of the things that make it so popular is its extensive library of add-ons and themes. The browser has now added a new add-on Mar Mod to render your browsing experience visually more appealing and overall worthwhile.

Accessible as Firefox add-on, Mar Mod enhances the looks and functionality of the browser. It also adds several characteristics and enhancements to Firefox for browsing backup, online translation and visual modifications.


Mar Mod includes several different tabs under its preferences via which a user can fine-tune many elements. The tabs included are,

Icons– The tab adds different icons to the checkmarks and radio buttons. All the icons get listed in the menu bar. Besides this, an option to revert back to default Firefox settings is also devoted.

Firefox Add-on

Favicon– The tab has the capability to replace the favicon of a website by another of your choice, and preventing the website from restoring its original favicon.

Firefox Add-on

Navigation– This option enables the addition of a drop-down icon adjacent to back/forward button to view the recently visited pages. Apart from this, it enables the user to close tabs with the middle scroll button in a single click.

Appearance– The Appearance tab gives the Firefox menu button a revamped look. If used, it will show the size of downloaded file, move the status bar and even add restart to the menu.

Extension– Allows viewing of icons and enables you to display them in the title bar. It even allows the user to check for updates at the start of the browser and install them automatically when required.

Translator– The application offers an added advantage with an online translator that simply lends a button to the toolbar to conveniently choose the desired language from the drop-down menu.

In all, Mar Mod acts as a useful tool allowing a lot of customization.

Download Mar Mod.

About the author

Hemant Saxena

The author Hemant Saxena is a post-graduate in bio-technology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quite by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player.

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