The Microsoft 70-347 exam designed to evaluate the ability of IT professionals to apply Office 365 services. Having been launched in 2014, it has gained popularity at a rapid rate. The test, which is offered in a wide number of languages, leads one to earn the MCSA and the MCP certifications. It is designed for the IT professionals involved in planning, evaluating, deploying and operating Office 365 services. The certification exam requires that the candidates have a strong grasp of Office 365 Admin center and SharePoint Online, Skype for Business Online, Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft Azure AD and Office 365 ProPlus.
There are some factors that have contributed to the 70-347 exam becoming so popular.
- Most candidates want to increase their chances of getting hired.
Taking the Microsoft 70-347 exam and earning the relevant certification places one in the best position if to speak about the likelihood of being hired. Competition for employment in the IT world is pretty tough and the employers are always looking for the minor things that can make you stand out from the rest. Having passed the certification test is one of such factors.
As you strive to earn the credential, the candidates portray themselves as the individuals who would go against all odds to be better at their work. This is the kind of zeal that the employers are always looking for in their employees. Furthermore, the certificate acts as evidence that you can do what you claim you are capable of. It validates your Office 365 services skills, which are significant for hiring managers. Today, most vacant announcements for vacant positions typically include a clause in which the employer makes it mandatory for the potential employee to have the certification.
- Most individuals want to keep their skills updated.
Technology changes at a rapid rate. What is current today may become obsolete next week if not tomorrow. The rapid changes are mostly motivated by the need to improve the efficiency of products and also strengthen their security standing. In particular, Microsoft releases updates for its products much faster than any other technology company. As such, organizations that run on the company’s hardware and software tend to prefer expertise that is current with industry trends. Getting the certification is one of the ways of proving that you are up-to-date with the latest releases from Microsoft.
In the process of studying, IT professionals normally undergo rigorous training spending hours studying and taking lab exercises, which equip them with the needed knowledge and skills. As these sophisticated and latest skills are learned, the specialists gain confidence to try out a more sophisticated operation at work.
- Most students want to build professional credibility.
Professional credibility is important since it not only makes you earn the respect of your peers but also helps you get more referrals in the event of a new IT project. It is the basis upon which you can easily be given a leadership position when project teams are being created or you could easily be turned to whenever a technical issue troubles the organizations. Earning professional credibility is the dream of many IT professionals. Hence, they are willing to put in hours of hard work for the certification.
Today, many companies have a tendency when instead of hiring a full-time know-it-all IT team, they deal with consultants who specialize in a particular area. Whenever the organization has a task related to Office 365, they will go out in search of the best consultant to get their issue tackled. The individuals who have passed the Microsoft MCSA 70-347 Practice Test portray themselves as the most suitable as they have expertise in services such as Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration and SharePoint on Azure etc. They have a high level of unmatched professional credibility.
- Most test-takers want to get more avenues to earn.
When joining their places of work, most IT specialists are paid on the basis of their current set of skills. The salaries remain the same until they prove that they have something new to offer the organization. There is no language that an employer understands better than evidence of skills via some kind of certification. The credential shows that you have bettered your competence and that you deserve to get a pay rise based on the new skills that you are bringing to the company.
Different studies conducted indicate that the time and efforts invested in passing the Microsoft 70-347 certification exam often leads to higher income. The employer understands that you used an incredible amount of funds to get the credential. Hence, you deserve some compensation, which comes in the form of better pay. Even if it is the organization that paid for your certificate, no one can dispute the fact that you had to squeeze time for other important factors in an effort to get certified.
- Most applicants want to increase the efficiency of project execution.
Tech firms are ever coming up with new projects and the team members with certified skills prove to be the most valuable. Their possession of a certificate makes them operate with high efficiency, a fact that pushes most IT professionals to rush towards obtaining their credentials. The enhanced skills achieved through the process of studying allow them to use the latest knowledge in project execution, realizing a high-level performance that would have not been possible earlier.
Planning is a crucial aspect of project execution. With the certification, the candidates are trained to be future leaders of the organization. However, before that happens, the daily team duties assigned to them get to be completed to a satisfactory ending. When the time comes to hand over leadership, these IT professionals become the preferred candidates. This is a win-win situation since the organization does not have to look outside for leaders while the existing certified staff members are promoted to high-ranking positions.
The popularity of the Microsoft 70-347 exam and its certification has increased mainly because they today are termed as a key requirement for most of the IT jobs.