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Instagram Your Activity helps to curb Instagram Addiction

Instagram Your Activity

Instagram Story addiction is widespread and very contagious. If you have included this addiction in your posting habits then, getting rid off it can be quite a task. To curb Instagram Addiction, the app has another feature called Your Activity. It helps you understand & manage the time you spend in the app. Besides, it also lets you set time limits to help reduce the number of hours you spend on the app.

Social Networking

Instagram Your Activity helps to curb Instagram Addiction

The feature is not easily visible at first sight. Tap on your account icon, and then tap on the hamburger icon (the three lines stacked on top of each other) on the top left. Select “Your Activity” to open your Instagram Analytics. It will show your Instagram Addiction right up!

Your Actvity

The first thing to notice is the bar graph. It shows how much time you spend on the app over the past week. Along with this, you will get to see your daily average.

Average Daily Time on Instagram

If you observe that the findings reveal something worrying i.e., the number of hours spent is too high then, try cutting it down. Fortunately, Instagram offers a few options to address this concern.

1] Access ‘Notification Settings’ to configure options for push notifications you would like to receive via the app. You can choose to either turn off push notifications completely or, you can choose to get notifications only under a few circumstances. Circumstances include notifications for likes, comments, comment likes, and so on.

2] Next, tap the ‘Set Daily Reminder’ option to get a special notification if you happen to exceed the daily time limit. For instance, if you only want to spend half an hour in the app each day, you can set an alert for it. The alert will prompt you to when you reach that amount of time. Also, you could mute their notifications in the app for a certain amount of pre-set time (15 minutes to eight hours).

Instagram Timer

Lastly, if ‘Your Activity’ option is not visible under your Instagram account, make sure you’re running its latest version. iPhone users can also use the iOS device’s Screen Time feature to check the same, and Android users can use App Timers.

About the author

Hemant Saxena

The author Hemant Saxena is a post-graduate in bio-technology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quite by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player.

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