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5 More ways to use Facebook effectively

Facebook is one great tool that helps us to keep up with our friends and relatives. In the post, I have listed 5 more ways to use Facebook effectively that also answer some of the most commonly asked questions about using Facebook.

5 More ways to use Facebook effectively

Hide the bothering Content from the News Feed

News Feed is the center column of your home page that gets updated continuously with the list of stories from people and Pages that you follow on Facebook. You may at times find some stories or a piece of content in news feed as inappropriate and would like to remove it before it is read or viewed by others. How do you do it? Check out the steps mentioned below.

  • Search for the pencil icon on your homepage. The icon should be visible when you hover the cursor over ‘News feed’ option.
  • Next, click on the icon and select ‘Edit settings’.
  • Now, from the window that will show up on your screen, manage (hide) posts coming into your stream from certain people, apps or pages.

Hide what you read?

Facebook introduced a new social news reading application some time ago. The app allows users to read and share news articles from partner media outlets associated with Facebook. The application is really good but has one shortfall; it broadcasts to your friends what you read. So, if you would not like others to know what you are reading, follow these steps:

  • Click on the drop-down menu, just adjacent to the ‘Home’ button and choose ‘Account Settings’
  • Next, click on the ‘Apps’ tab you will find on the lower left-hand side.
  • Then, click on ‘Edit’ located at the extreme right of the relevant app. In the box that opens you’ll notice ‘Post on your behalf option.
  • Next to the description of the option you will notice a drop-down menu. Select ‘Only me’ from the drop-down menu.

You can also follow this same process as you sign up to new apps.

Create a List of your Interest

Facebook Interest Lists feature allows you to find and isolate the content you’re actually interested in. Setting up your Interest Lists is fairly easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Click on ‘More’ adjacent to the ‘Interests’ section on your homepage menu.
  • Next, click on ‘Add Interests’ and then ‘Create List’. That’s it! Once done, you can choose to make the list either private or public.

Create a Secret Group

More privacy settings are available for groups in Facebook. Via its secret and closed groups, Facebook makes available this feature. It allows users to share content with members-only i.e. posts are visible to group members only. How to create a secret group?

  • Click on ‘More’ next to the ‘Groups’ area on your homepage.
  • Then, select ‘Create Group’ on the next page that loads.
  • Next, name your group, add friends to the group and check the ‘secret’ option.

Once done, you will notice your secret group under the ‘Groups’ area in your homepage.

Populate Your Map with Pics

  • Facebook offers a very unique feature. It allows users to add locations to their recently/already uploaded images. How?
  • Click on the ‘Photos’ option present under your cover photos and select ‘Add Photos to Map’.
  • Then, start adding the relevant data to your selected images.
This is how you can use Facebook effectively to manage both, your communication and content. Any more ways?? Add them in the Comments section.

Source – Mashable


About the author

Hemant Saxena

The author Hemant Saxena is a post-graduate in bio-technology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quite by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player.


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