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How to download torrent files on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

Downloading torrent files on PC is one of the easiest task to do, but it is not the same on iOS. There are many apps on iOS which make torrent downloading possible, but many of them are complicated. Here is one of the easiest way to download torrent files on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and later SSH them tn your PC.

All you need is,

  • Jailbreaked iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad
  • WiFi Connectivity

3G can also work, but I will highly recommend that you use WiFi as 3G may kill your data plan. Once you are ready with the above requirements you can download torrents using a jailbreaked app named ‘iTransmission’.

To get it, go to Cydia store, search for iTransmission and install it. It’s totally free and works on iOS 5 also even if it doesn’t say so.

Once you have installed iTransmission, an icon is placed on the springboard. Just follow the steps below.

Step One: Go to Safari and search for your torrent file.

Step Two: Copy the torrent file address by double tapping the address bar which contains the ‘.torrent’ file complete address.

Note: Copy the complete address which heads directly to the ‘.torrent’ file as you will need it to add in iTransmission.

Step Three: Once you have copied the URL, go back to the home screen and launch iTransmission.

Step Four: Tap the ‘+’ button that is located at the bottom in the iTransmission app and select ‘URL’.

Step Five: Paste the URL that you had copied from Safari earlier and select OK.

Step Six: You are done. The downloading will start and the torrent file will be listed in the downloading list.

iTransmission works same as your desktop torrent client. It even provides Pause and Resume feature along with a toggle to switch between WiFi and cellular network.

The downloaded files are stored in ‘/var/mobile/Documents’ and can be easily extracted on PC after SSH.

About the author

Varad Choudhari

VarDOS, as he prefers being called, Varad is 20 and tech enthusiast. All things digital, that’s what he always think about. Not a fanboy but still loves covering iDevices and is our Jailbreak “dexterous”. Brain flooded with lots of creativity he supports genuineness, he always keeps his point right so don’t argue with him.

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