How to Authorize Computer for iTunes

How to Authorize Computer for iTunes

iTunes is the official music storage application for your iOS devices. You can access your iTunes music from anywhere once you are authorized for using the data. You won’t be able to access the data of your iTunes account even after logging in if your computer isn’t authorized. But on a good note, authorizing a computer for your iTunes is a very easy task. Just follow these simple steps to authorize computer for iTunes and it won’t take more than a few minutes.

How to Authorize Computer for iTunes

Open iTunes application. First, start your computer, and connect to your iTunes account. Click on the iTunes official application. It will launch iTunes on your computer.

Go to Store. On your iTunes page, you will see the “Store” option in the access bar of iTunes. This option is located at the top of your iTunes screen. Click on it.

How to Authorize Computer for iTunes

Authorize this computer. Clicking on Store will display you the options related to the account. Locate “Authorize This Computer” from the list and click on it.

Enter Apple ID and Password. A pop-up will appear on your screen. Provide your Apple ID and its Password. Tap on the “Apple ID” field and type your Apple ID. Once done, tap on the “Password” field and type its password. Click on the “Authorize” button, located at the bottom of the pop-up.

You will get a confirmation pop up saying “Computer authorization was successful”. And that’s it. Your computer now has permission to access iTunes data. As said earlier, doesn’t take more than a few minutes.

Now you are free to access your iTunes data on this computer. iTunes allows authorization to at max 5 computers for your iTunes account. So you can authorize up to five such computers to access your iTunes by following the same steps. Nevertheless, you can always visit Master Computer for professional help.

About the author

Ankur Mehta

Happy Go Lucky Geek!