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6 websites that let you share updates to social networks simultaneously


Social Networks help you to make connections and conversations with the people. There are many social networks with different functionality and it is turn to user to decide whether to become the member of that network or not. So, a user have more than one social network accounts and have different audience. It is difficult for the user to manage them. If he wants to update the same message to more than  one social network then he have to update the same message repeatedly to many profiles. Here comes some web applications to mange all the social networks at glance.

Here I have collected a few which some help to view and update to all social networks simultaneously and other help you to synchronize Facebook and Twitter updates.



Hootsuite is a well know popular web application to update selected social networks. This website connects you to list of popular social network profiles. After signup add your social network profiles and then you can post the message to a group of linked social networks simultaneously. You can post scheduled updates and automatically update feed items through feed URL.



The simple interface which has a large collection of social networks to get connected. Using this ping.fm you can ping messages to all your added social networks at once directly through the web or through email or SMS. A custom email is generated for the user to update or upload images through email.The feed URL service which posts your feed items automatically to the social networks.


Tweet Deck

Tweet Deck is well known popular desktop client for twitter now integrated Facebook too. Tweet Deck has services for iPhone, Android phones. Also it is available as a web application and available through chrome browser application. With Tweet Deck you can watch the tweets and Facebook news feed and update both Twitter and Facebook simultaneously.



Natter is the new web application which bridges you between Facebook and Twitter Social networks. Almost many users have Twitter and Facebook accounts, many times we encounter a situation to update same message to both Facebook and Twitter. This website avoids you from such situation to update same message repeatedly by synchronizing Facebook and Twitter messages.



This web application integrates all your Instant messenger accounts, email accounts and two popular social networks Twitter and Facebook together. This web application is still in beta phase and have a user friendly interface. You can bring entire Facebook and Twitter accounts here and update them simultaneously.



Seesmic was initially started as a video sharing website and later relaunched it with tools to share updates to social networks simultaneously. It has tools for the desktop, Android, iPhone and besides all these tools it has a web application to share the updates to popular Social networks simultaneously.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

A blogger, tech evangelist, YouTube creator, books lover, traveler, thinker, and believer of minimalist lifestyle.

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